Winter Guard Director - Annie Stott
Winter Guard is a Color Guard team that performs to recorded music at indoor competitions from
January through April. This activity combines modern dance with flag, rifle and sabre work. Membership
is open to anyone at Centennial High School. Auditions are held in November of each year. The
Winter Guard typically practices throughout December and then three days a week during the competitive
season with a fourth day on show weeks. During the season, the Winter Guard may travel to competitions
in the Atlanta metro area. Competitions are most frequently held on Saturday.
Winter Guard is a Color Guard team that performs to recorded music at indoor competitions from
January through April. This activity combines modern dance with flag, rifle and sabre work. Membership
is open to anyone at Centennial High School. Auditions are held in November of each year. The
Winter Guard typically practices throughout December and then three days a week during the competitive
season with a fourth day on show weeks. During the season, the Winter Guard may travel to competitions
in the Atlanta metro area. Competitions are most frequently held on Saturday.