Welcome Tyler Ehrlich! Our new Associate Band Director - Read his bio
The 4th Marching Band payment is due June 30th. Under My Account (above), select Previous Purchases and click on the order number with a balance due at the top. Next, look for the "make a payment" button to proceed with your payment. If you have more than one open order, they must be paid separately (sorry). If you haven't yet registered - don't wait!!! The deadline was March 31st. Please click on My Account/Forms and look for the new packet called 2017 Marching Band. CHS BAND: A FAMILY AFFAIR There Are Lots of Ways To Volunteer Our band depends on volunteers. We ask that each family volunteer 4 or more times throughout the marching band season beginning with band camp. We are currently recruiting volunteers for first aid, uniform fittings & dinner duty during band camp and to supply item donations. Also available: all Friday night games, marching band exhibition & competitions, and parades. To sign up, click on the Volunteer Tab above. DRUM MAJOR CAMP Did you know that UGA hosts a Drum Major Camp every summer? This year, our three drum majors, Sarah Willis, DJ Rice, and Caroline Parham, attended along with rising sophomore, Laura Lesh. Caroline received an award for Superior Leadership and Conducting, and they all learned a great deal and had a fabulous time! SUMMER DRUMMING Attention Marching Band Percussionists - Mark your calendar for the following summer drumming dates and times: ALL TUESDAYS June 27th - 2-5pm July 11th - 2-5pm MARCHING BAND LEADERSHIP MEETING Marching band leadership students (if in town) will have a meeting/pizza party on Friday, July 14th from 9am – noon. 2017-2018 MARCHING BAND LEADERSHIP Congratulations to those students chosen to fill the 2017-2018 Marching Band leadership positions. Our Drum Majors will be Caroline Parham, DJ Rice and Sarah Willis. For a complete list of all leadership positions, go to the Marching Band page under the About Us/Ensembles tab. MARCHING BAND CAMP July 17th - 21st & July 24th - 28th. See Marching Band information packet and calendar for details. Please note that there will be no Band Camp before July 17th. ALPHARETTA OLD SOLDIERS DAY PARADE Marching Band will march in this parade on August 5th (9 AM - 12 PM). Comments are closed.