The 2nd payment for next year's Marching Band is now due and the 3rd payment is due May 31st. Under My Account (above), select Previous Purchases and click on the order number with a balance due at the top. Next, look for the "make a payment" button to proceed with your payment. If you have more than one open order, they must be paid separately (sorry).
If you haven't yet registered, you're behind the 8 ball. Registration will close soon - don't wait!!! The deadline was March 31st. Please click on My Account/Forms and look for the new packetcalled 2017 Marching Band. SUMMER DRUMMING Attention Marching Band Percussionists - Mark your calendar for the following summer drumming dates and times: ALL TUESDAYS June 13th - Noon-3pm June 20th - Noon-3pm June 27th - 2-5pm July 11th - 2-5pm MARCHING BAND LEADERSHIP MEETING Marching band leadership students (if in town) will have a meeting/pizza party on Friday, July 14th from 9am – noon. 2017-2018 MARCHING BAND LEADERSHIP Congratulations to those students chosen to fill the 2017-2018 Marching Band leadership positions. Our Drum Majors will be Caroline Parham, DJ Rice and Sarah Willis. For a complete list of all leadership positions, go to the Marching Band page under the About Us/Ensembles tab. MARCHING BAND CAMP July 17th - 21st & July 24th - 28th. See Marching Band information packet and calendar for details. Please note that there will be no Band Camp before July 17th. ALPHARETTA OLD SOLDIERS DAY PARADE Marching Band will march in this parade on August 5th (9 AM - 12 PM). SPIRIT GEAR - SOCKS ARE HERE! You asked for socks, and they are here! You can order these nifty socks and all Spirit Gear online using the Spirit Gear Tab above. Any spirit gear orders placed after May 20th will not be filled until band camp. We will have a complete selection of items for sale (cash or check) on the first day of FULL band camp on Tuesday, July 18th through Friday, July 21st in the morning. Hearing protection: $10 Water bottles: $10 String backpacks: $10 Magnets: $5 T-shirts: $15 Hats: $15 SOCKS: $10 (Please note: Socks sold for general use. Not intended to be worn with marching band uniform or concert attire. Long black socks are required with marching band uniform and boys concert tuxedos.) HELP WANTED FOR 2017-2018 BOARD & COMMITTEES! The Band Board is looking for volunteers who would like to get involved in a different way. Some positions can be done from home with a computer, while others require feet on the ground. We will have the following committee positions available:
The board would also gladly welcome any parents interested in sharing the following board positions with current officers. All but one of these volunteers have a rising senior so next year will be their last:
BAND BANQUET - 2016/17 CELEBRATION! As the 2016/17 band year comes to an end, we celebrated in style with a fabulous feast! Congratulations to all band students for their many musical accomplishments. Best wishes to the Seniors on their future endeavors. Don't forget to come back to visit all of your band buddies at Homecoming on September 8th! Many thanks to Demetra Overton & Stephanie Duffy for organizing an exceptional dinner and tremendous thanks to all the parent volunteers who contributed their time to ensure this event was a great success! Also, thank you to Will Strickland, a CHS band alumnus, who was the D.J. at the “After Party” where a great time was had by all! THE MIGHTY MARCHING KNIGHTS AT CONNEXION SPRING FESTIVAL Members of the CHS Marching Band represented the high school on Saturday, May 6th, at the Roswell Connexion Spring Festival by kicking off the event with spirited music! And they also managed to have some fun and possibly recruit some future musicians! Go Knights! LIVELY JAZZ, GUITAR & SAXOPHONE QUARTET CONCERT! Hats off to all jazz band, guitar and saxophone quartet students for such incredible performances at the concert this past Thursday! Your talent made for a very lively evening! Many thanks to Mr. Walker, Ms. Inman and Mr. Reid for their endless dedication to teaching and directing these students to reach their potentials. Click here to see the video under the About Us tab. Many thanks to Tim Thomas for making this (and most other) video and posting it to the website. A THRILLING SPRING CONCERT … TO SAY THE LEAST! The Spring Concert was a treat, thrill, adventure and one of a kind show! The students and Mr. Reid gave it their all! Thanks to the senior student conductors who led a fantastic Concert Band performance. The Symphonic Band set the stage for the rest of the show with their Hollywood tribute and Stevie Wonder medley. When the Chamber Winds took the stage, that’s when things started to get a little crazy. Their performance Star Wars Heroes complete with a lightsaber battle between Darth Vader and Han Solo led into a Wind Ensemble performance that had the band and audience screaming as Elvis and his groupies saved Las Vegas from Godzilla’s wrath! Congratulations to our 41 graduating Seniors! Your talent, leadership and commitment will be missed. If you would like to view the show again, click here to see the video under the About Us tab. Many thanks to Tim Thomas for making this video and posting it to the website. DON'T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR AMAZONSMILE! FOR DETAILS, PLEASE SEE THE FUNDRAISER PAGE. CENTENNIAL CONCERT CLOTHES CLOSET You can help CHS Band students benefit from the music program at Centennial. Do you have a tuxedo or a dress that you no longer need? Please donate your dry-cleaned concert attire to the CCCC, and it will be made available for students to borrow who cannot afford this extra cost. We are now also accepting new or gently used and cleaned marching band shoes, black dress shoes and black socks. Please email Kara Gibson, Centennial HS Band Senior, at [email protected] to donate your concert tux, tux accessories, concert dress, shoes, socks, or if you have any questions. Local pick-up can be arranged. The Centennial Concert Clothes Closet is being organized as Kara's Girl Scout Gold Award Project, in conjunction with Mr. Reid and the Centennial Band Department. 2017-2018 MARCHING BAND LEADERSHIP Congratulations to those students chosen to fill the 2017-2018 Marching Band leadership positions. Our Drum Majors will be Caroline Parham, DJ Rice and Sarah Willis. For a complete list of all leadership positions, go to the Marching Band page under the About Us/Ensembles tab. APRIL 30 - MAY 6 Band Banquet RSVP The deadline to RSVP for the Band Banquet has passed. If you would still like to attend, please let us know by emailing Karen LeCates immediately and we will accommodate you as best we can. We want everyone to be able to come! Band students are free, everyone else is only $5 per person. CHOCOLATE SALE FUNDRAISER You can still sell chocolate to earn credit for your fees. Boxes of chocolate can be purchased for $60 in advance through Wednesday, May 3rd. You will keep all the proceeds and your band account will be credited $30. Further details can be found on the Fundraising page. Questions: Contact Leslie Gibson at [email protected] Comments are closed.