CURRENT NEWS: MARCHING BAND & COLOR GUARD Directors’ Note Dear Centennial Band Families, Saturday was a great day at Georgia State for our band program. The students gave what was definitely their best performance of the year. Mr. Ehrlich, the staff and I were all extremely proud of their efforts. For our first venture into this next level of band competition we feel it was extremely successful. Getting to perform at a college stadium was very exciting for the students and they stepped up! Thank you to Sarah and Antonio Reza and all of the parents who came to help with equipment. It was a long way to push things, lots of hills (down is worse) and the terrain was rough, but you did it. We are very grateful. I hope that all the seniors and their families enjoyed Friday night. The weather turned out to be perfect and everything went wonderfully. Thank you to Jennifer Willis for all the great pictures of the event (check our Snapfish account). I am so thankful to all 20 of our seniors. I hope you enjoyed the band room on Friday! You are all amazing young people who have made an amazingly positive impact on our band program and the lives of everyone around it (especially me). On a similar note, Friday was the last home game of the year and the last night managing the concession stand for Sandy and Craig Vigliotta after 7 years! I’ve have had the true privilege of teaching all 3 Vigliotta children and we will all miss this family immensely. The concession stand is our biggest fundraiser every year and every single child in the Centennial band program for the last 7 years, and many more to come, have and will continue to benefit from the Vigliotta’s hard work and dedication. Thank you!! One last week of marching band (all though we will go to the game on November 8). Please read the newsletter for the details about this coming weekend and our last competition at Milton High School on Saturday. Musically yours, Michael Reid Director of Bands Check out the Band Calendar HERE! This Week’s Schedule: Monday, 10/28 from 4pm-7pm: Percussion & Color Guard Rehearsal Tuesday, 10/29 from 4pm-7pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal Tuesday, 10/29 from 7pm-8pm: McDowell Chiropractic Pizza, Ice Cream & Free Screenings! RSVP to [email protected]! Thursday, 10/31 from 4pm-5pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal – ending early! Friday, 11/1 from 5pm-11pm: Away Game v. North Atlanta HS at Grady Stadium Saturday, 11/2 from11am-11pm: White Columns Invitational Band Competition Away Game Vs. North Atlanta High School – Please Note the Game’s Location! Join the Centennial Band and Football Team this Friday, November 1st, at 7:30 p.m. for an away game versus North Atlanta High School. The game will take place at Grady Stadium (929 Monroe Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30308 - at the corner of 10th Street). We will perform at halftime. Remember to wear your Centennial Band Spirit Gear (see our online store on Charms!) and show our proud spirit!
The band will compete in the White Columns Invitational Marching Band Championship at Milton HS (13025 Birmingham Highway, Milton, GA 30004) this Saturday, November 2nd. Admission: $10 (children 4-7: $7).
Every event on the band calendar requires many volunteers, with jobs to meet every talent and times to meet every schedule. So . . . pick your dates, pick your slots, and join us in supporting our kids' best high school experience! Click here to access our Marching Band Season Volunteer SignUps. This link is also available on the Volunteer tab of the band website. Immediate Needs this week: Friday’s Game: Chaperones, Pit Crew, Video Volunteer! Sign up here! Saturday’s Competition: Pit Crew and Video Volunteer! Sign up here! Thank you to our volunteers at last week’s activities! Senior Knight Flower Coordinator: Suzanne Channell Wright Game Chaperones: Arlan Maltby, Sarah Cavanaugh, Denise Ruiz Pit Crew: Sarah & Antonio Reza, Chang Jung, Mandi Moragne, Jason Eshraghi, Bill Wright, Jim Montgomery, Brian Lesh Concession Grill Master & Assistant: Heather Blank, Meg Combs Concession Food Prep & Sales: Sandy & Craig Vigliotta, Leslie Gibson, Suzy Cloonan, Jayna Brosmer Sweet Treat Bakers: Suzy Cloonan, Gia Geach, Randa Padgett Competition Chaperones: Arlan Maltby, Debbie Jacobson, Denise Ruiz, Jill Norton, Suzy Cloonan, Tara Siddall Competition Pit Crew: Sarah & Antonio Reza, Bill Wright, Brian Lesh, Chang Jung, Dana Edwards, Denise Ruiz, Jacquiese Brown, Jason Eshraghi, Jim Montgomery, Katina Woods, Leah Hall, Leslie Thomson Video Volunteer: Laura Propp Postell Photographer: Jennifer Willis Band Booster Board Meeting Are you interested in leadership position, and/or curious as to how things work behind the scenes to support the Directors and our kids? Our next band board meeting will be held on November 21st at 5:30pm. Join us between 5:30 and 6:00pm to observe and ask questions. Hope to see you there! WINTER GUARD Interested in Winter Guard? Attend the audition prep clinic on November 6th in the band room from 4:30-8pm! Auditions will be held on Nov. 14th and 15th from 4:30-8pm in the cafeteria. Please see the flyer attached to this email for more information! FUNDRAISING Sponsorships Do you or someone you know own a business? If so, consider becoming a Business Sponsor for our band program. We would love to advertise and recognize you as a sponsor! Contact Roger Howrey ([email protected]) with questions or to become a sponsor. Tip Video #2 - Maxwell Sponsorship Please click on the link under the screenshot below to watch a brief video about how to save potentially thousands of dollars on the purchase of a home or to re-finance your existing home. With interest rates at an all-time low, now is a great time to either purchase or re-finance. Reach out to Phillip Maxwell for more information at 404-210-9031 or [email protected]. PAST NEWS: MARCHING BAND & COLOR GUARD Knights Band Family, Mr. Ehrlich and I want to thank the students for a wonderful 8th Grade Knight on Friday and congratulate the students on a wonderful performance on Saturday. We were thrilled with the performance as well as the results. This is a great start to our competitive season, but there is much work to be done. Every rehearsal for the next four weeks is vital to our continued success. Special thanks to all the parents who volunteered this weekend at 8th grade knight, the game and the competition. Last night I was serving as a band parent at Harrison High School for the Cobb Marching Band Exhibition and watching the dozens parents of parents who worked from 4:30pm -11:30pm on a week night to make sure that their children had the most positive experience possible reminded me of how thankful I am that we have wonderful parents here at Centennial. Without your help we couldn’t provide the students with all the wonderful experiences that marching band can provide. Thank you! Check out the Band Calendar HERE! This Week’s Schedule: Monday, 10/7 from 4pm-7pm: Percussion & Color Guard Rehearsal Tuesday, 10/8 from 4pm-7pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal Wednesday, 10/9: $150 DC Trip Deposit Due! Thursday, 10/10 from 4pm-7pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal Thursday, 10/10: Pick up your Box of Gummies to Sell at the end of Rehearsal! Friday, 10/11 from 6pm-10:30pm: Home Game v. Chattahoochee HS Saturday, 10/12 from 8am-12pm: Roswell Youth Day Parade Home Game Vs. Chattahoochee High School Join the Centennial Band and Football Team this Friday, October 11th, at 7:30 p.m. for a game vs Chattahoochee High School at the Fortress. Our band will perform at halftime. Remember to wear your Centennial Band Spirit Gear (see our online store on Charms!) and show our proud spirit!
Roswell Youth Day Parade The band will march in the Roswell Youth Day Parade this Saturday morning, October 12th.
![]() Every event on the band calendar requires many volunteers, with jobs to meet every talent and times to meet every schedule. So . . . pick your dates, pick your slots, and join us in supporting our kids' best high school experience! Click here to access our Marching Band Season Volunteer SignUps. This link is also available on the Volunteer tab of the band website. Immediate Needs this week: Friday’s Game: Chaperones, Pit Crew & Pit Manager Assistant, and Concession Food Sales! Sign up here! Thank you to our volunteers at last week’s home game and competition! Pre-Game Chaperones: Arlan Maltby, Tara Siddall, Kimberly Laidhold, Courtney Lee, Amy Kennedy, Dana Edwards Game Chaperones: Arlan Maltby, Dana Edwards, Denise Ruiz, Jill Norton, Luciana Araujo, Sarah Cavanaugh Pit Crew: Sarah & Antonio Reza, Mandi Moragne, David Bujak, Jason Eshraghi, Bill Wright, Chang Jung Concessions Grill Master: Heather Blank & Craig Vigliotta Concession Sales: Sandy Vigliotta, Brooke Balun, Leslie Gibson, Win Holcombe, Suzy Cloonan, Mike Carey Concession Bakers: Suzy Cloonan, Pam Carbonell, Randy Padgett Competition Chaperones: Arlan Maltby, Jill Norton, Mandi Moragne, Dorota Steltenpohl, Debbie Jacobson Competition Pit Crew: Sarah Reza, Coy Moragne, Brian and Susan Lesh, Leslie and Mark Thomson, Marcus Brown, Sarah Cavanaugh Competition Video Volunteer: Tara Sabo Beekman Photographer: Sarah Willis CONCERT BAND: Cluster Concert a Success! ![]() Here are a few pictures from our 2019 Cluster Concert, featuring concert band students from Holcomb Bridge Middle School, Haynes Bridge Middle School, and Centennial! FUNDRAISING Sponsorships Do you or someone you know own a business? If so, consider becoming a Business Sponsor for our band program. We would love to advertise and recognize you as a sponsor! Contact Roger Howrey (c[email protected]) with questions or to become a sponsor. Maxwell Sponsorship Please click below to view the first of a series of brief videos that our partners, the Maxwells, will bring over the course of the school year concerning real estate. Feel free to reach out to them if you have any questions about buying or selling. Contact Phillip at phillip.maxwell@c21connectrealty,com. The band receives a portion of every transaction they do! McDowell Chiropractic Sponsorship Dr. Ben McDowell of McDowell Chiropractic is sharing a new program called the Give Back Movement with the band family. Through the program, they give back education on natural healthcare, give back donations to local causes, and give people’s backs’ movement with chiropractic! Dr. McDowell will be in attendance at our Winter Concert on December 10th if you would like to ask him any questions. Spirit Wear on Sale Now! Now is the time to start thinking about purchasing cold weather band spirit gear! We have a limited number of scarves, blue hoodies, black hoodies, black 1/4 zip fleece, long sleeve tees and 3/4 sleeve baseball shirts in stock. All spirit gear will be available to purchase anytime on Charms. Gummy Candy Fundraiser Starting Thursday! Are you looking for a way to earn more money for your band fees, and that amazing trip to DC in the spring? Earn $30 for your band account for every box you sell! New this year: the boxes will be all regular and sour GUMMIES! Be sure to pick up a box to sell over the long weekend! Boxes will be available on Thursday evening (assuming no delay in delivery) after Rehearsal at the band candy closet. Please bring your permission slip signed by your parent and exchange it for your first box of gummies. [Parents: Permission slips have been distributed at school, and a copy is attached to this newsletter.] When you have sold the first box, return the $60 sale proceeds and exchange it for your next box! Sell as many boxes as you can between now and November 15th. Much thanks to Sarah Cavanaugh for running this year’s sale (again!)! Please email Sarah at c[email protected] with any questions. CoZzzy Comfy Sheet Sale Fundraiser
Our popular sheet sale is back! Earn $ for our Washington DC trip (or any other band related expense) by selling high quality bed sheet sets! All sizes sell for $40 and students earn $10 for each set sold. Order forms will be distributed during band classes on Friday. Orders can also be placed online at so share the sale with out of town friends and family. Our Group Code is Centennial Band. The sale runs October 4 - 25 with delivery before the holidays. Email Amy Kennedy ([email protected]) with questions. Comments are closed.