CURRENT NEWS MARCHING BAND & COLOR GUARD: BUSY SCHEDULE AHEAD! Please note that the next few weeks contain back-to-back competitions and parades, in addition to our regular rehearsals and games. This is an excellent opportunity to practice using your time wisely to keep up with all your commitments. Check out the Band Calendar HERE! This Week’s Schedule: Monday, 9/30 from 4pm-7pm: Percussion & Color Guard Rehearsal Tuesday, 10/01 from 4pm-7pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal Thursday, 10/03 from 4pm-7pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal Friday, 10/4 from 4pm-11pm: Eighth Grade Knight & Home Game v. Alpharetta HS Saturday, 10/5 from 10am-10pm: Eagle’s Nest Invitational Band Competition Home Game Vs. Alpharetta High School – Eighth Grade Knight! Eighth graders from Haynes Bridge and Holcomb Bridge middle schools will join our band students at this Friday’s game for an introduction to the high school marching band experience! The students will practice stand tunes together and enjoy some pizza before the game. The eighth graders will then join our students in the stands. Please give a big Centennial Knights Band welcome to our eighth-grade students and parents! Join the Centennial Band and Football Team this Friday, October 4th, at 7:30 p.m. for a game vs Alpharetta High School at the Fortress. Our band will perform at halftime. Remember to wear your Centennial Band Spirit Gear (see our online store on Charms!) and show our proud spirit!
Eagle’s Nest Invitational Band Competition This Saturday! The marching band will perform at the Eagle’s Nest Invitational Band competition at Collins Hill High School (50 Taylor Rd, Suwanee, GA 30024) this Saturday, October 5th. Please note that the students will practice at CHS before leaving for the competition. They also need to pack a lunch to eat at CHS and bring $$ to purchase dinner at the concession stand at Collins Hill H.S. We are scheduled to perform at 4:40pm. Admissions is $10.
11:30pm – Bring Your Lunch (no leaving campus), load the truck/trailer, get dressed 1pm – Depart for Collins Hill 1:45pm – Arrive 4:40pm – Perform 8:20pm – Awards 10:00pm – approximate dismissal, be sure to watch Remind for live updates
Save the Date! ROSWELL YOUTH DAY PARADE The band will march in the Roswell Youth Day Parade this Saturday morning, October 12th.
Reminder! DC Trip Deposit of $150 due on October 9th! Every event on the band calendar requires many volunteers, with jobs to meet every talent and times to meet every schedule. So . . . pick your dates, pick your slots, and join us in supporting our kids' best high school experience! Click here to access our Marching Band Season Volunteer SignUps. This link is also available on the Volunteer tab of the band website. Immediate Needs this week: Friday’s Game: Pre-Game (& Pizza Server) Chaperones, Game Chaperones, Pit Crew and Assistant Pit Manager! Sign up here! Saturday’s Competition: Chaperones, Pit Crew, Assistant Pit Manager and Video Volunteer! Sign up here! Thank you to our volunteers at our last home game and exhibition! Parade Chaperones: Inger Veazie, Suzanne Channell, Jennifer Andrews Game Chaperones: Arlan Maltby, Tonya Montgomery, John Cloonan, Inger Veazie, Denise Ruiz Pit Crew: Sarah Reza, Coy Moragne, David Bujak, Leslie Thomson, Jason Eshraghi, Leah Hall, Chang Jung Concessions Grill Master: Scott Balun & Craig Vigliotta Concession Sales: Sandy Vigliotta, Brooke Balun, Leslie Gibson, Meg Combs, Courtney Lee Concession Bakers: Joanna Holcombe, Gia Geach, Izzy Cheskes Exhibition Chaperones: Arlan Maltby, Jill Norton, Suzy Cloonan, Laura Propp Postell, Mandi Moragne Exhibition Pit Crew: Sarah Reza, Antonio Reza, Leah Hall, Jim Montgomery, Jennifer Andrews, Chang Jung FUNDRAISING: Sponsorships Do you or someone you know own a business? If so, consider becoming a Business Sponsor for our band program. We would love to advertise and recognize you as a sponsor! Contact Roger Howrey ([email protected]) with questions or to become a sponsor. Thank you to Occupational Healthworx (Art & Louise Sheffield) for their $500 business sponsorship! Maxwell Sponsorship We've partnered with Phillip & LeeAnn Maxwell, local real estate agents, who are donating money to the Centennial Band on each home sale/purchase. If you know anyone (within the district, area, or country) who is considering buying/selling a home, please have them email Phillip Maxwell: [email protected] and us. We will get a portion of the sale/purchase donated to the band! McDowell Chiropractic Sponsorship Dr. Ben McDowell of McDowell Chiropractic is sharing a new program called the Give Back Movement with the band family. Through the program, they give back education on natural healthcare, give back donations to local causes, and give people’s backs’ movement with chiropractic! Dr. McDowell will be in attendance at our Winter Concert on December 10th if you would like to ask him any questions. Spirit Wear on Sale Now Now is the time to start thinking about purchasing cold weather band spirit gear! We have a limited number of scarves, blue hoodies, black hoodies, black 1/4 zip fleece, long sleeve tees and 3/4 sleeve baseball shirts in stock. All spirit gear will be available to purchase anytime on Charms.
Gummy Candy Fundraiser Starting Next Week! Are you looking for a way to earn more money for your band fees, and that amazing trip to DC in the spring? Earn $30 for your band account for every box you sell! New this year: the boxes will be all regular and sour GUMMIES! Our candy sale will start next week – Be sure to pick up a box to sell over the long weekend! Keep an eye out for a separate email with all the details, and the permission slip to be signed by a parent/guardian! CoZzzy Comfy Sheet Sale Fundraiser Our popular sheet sale is back! Earn $ for our Washington DC trip (or any other band related expense) by selling high quality bed sheet sets! All sizes sell for $40 and students earn $10 for each set sold. Order forms will be distributed during band classes on Friday. Orders can also be placed online at so share the sale with out of town friends and family. Our Group Code is Centennial Band. The sale runs October 4 - 25 with delivery before the holidays. Email Amy Kennedy ([email protected]) with questions. PAST NEWS MARCHING BAND AND COLOR GUARD: Check out the Band Calendar HERE! This Week’s Schedule: Tuesday, 9/3 from 4pm-7pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal Thursday, 9/5 from 4pm-7pm: Full Marching Band Rehearsal Friday, 9/6 from 6pm-10:30pm: Full Band Knight for ALL Band Students Home Game v. Roswell **See Details and reporting times below! Saturday, 9/7, from 10am-5pm: Mattress Fundraiser HOME GAME V. ROSWELL HIGH SCHOOL This Game is the Fox5 Game of the WEEK! – Marching Band Students - we will update you as to your report time as soon as we have more specifics. Join the Centennial Band and Football Team this Friday, September 7th, at 7:30 p.m. for a game vs Roswell High School at the Fortress. All concert students will perform stand tunes during the game, and our marching band will perform the show at halftime. Remember to wear your Centennial Band Spirit Gear (see our online store on Charms!) and show our proud spirit!
Calling all Pit Crew Volunteers! Are you planning/thinking about volunteering for the pit crew this season? Come on out for an introduction/orientation tomorrow night - Thurs Sep 5 @ 6 pm (until about 7 pm). It's not mandatory, but the more the merrier! We’ll also clean the old props out of the truck and figure out how to load the new props, which are completely different than anything we've had over the last few years (no scaffolding and foam boards!). Please contact Sarah Reza ([email protected]) with any questions. ![]() Every event on the band calendar requires many volunteers, with jobs to meet every talent and times to meet every schedule. So . . . pick your dates, pick your slots, and join us in supporting our kids' best high school experience! Click here to access our Marching Band Season Volunteer SignUps. This link is also available on the Volunteer tab of the band website. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer at our first home game Friday night! Immediate Needs this week: Chaperones and Parent Greeters at Saturday’s Mattress Sale! We need parents to greet shoppers at the band room, and chaperones to supervise students while they advertise the sale. Sign up here! ALL BAND STUDENTS: Mark Your Calendar for Full Band Knight, THIS FRIDAY, September 6th! All students (concert band + marching band) will join together the night of September 6 to play stands tunes and enjoy the halftime show! This is a REQUIRED concert grade for all students to show off the size and power of our bands! Concert band students: Report to the band room at 6pm – Wear Centennial Band Spirit Gear! ![]() Marching Band payments are due in full. If you have a balance due on your account, please log into CHARMS to pay as soon as possible. Syllabus forms WERE due to Microsoft Teams App by August 23rd. (Students – download the "Teams" app; Login with and DOB as your password.) FUNDRAISING Mattress Sale – THIS SATURDAY! Spread the Word! ![]() Our annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser is THIS SATURDAY, September 7th, from 10am-5pm in the CHS band room. The band earns on average $100 per mattress sold. Additionally, the referring student earns $25-$50 in their band account. Help us spread the word by handing out the flyers you received at the parent meeting. Please post on social media and neighborhood sites! Didn’t receive flyers or need more info? Email Amy Kennedy ([email protected]). Comments are closed.